When it comes to the topic of height, especially in a dating context, there really is something that shouldn't be over your head:

Your height is among the lowest-impacting and least-meaningful qualities when it comes to defining who you are.

And anyone who thinks that their height is what makes or breaks their success rate in the dating world is dead wrong.

As someone who stands 5 feet 7 inches (170 cm) tall, I'm about to dive into some real talk that's hopefully going to lift up the spirits of any short man out there who may feel disadvantaged because of their height.

If she needs you to be 6 feet tall, you don't need her

Let's be honest: I think people care more about height in the context of dating than in anywhere else.

Ok, maybe basketball, but there's a sound reason as to why height matters in that sport.

But in dating? Not so much.

That's why the majority of this article is focused on the matter of height in the dating context.

Look, everyone has a right to have their own preferences and type in what they want in a person and what they find attractive.

If a girl wants the guy to be taller than her, that's her right to want that. It's no different from a guy who prefers a girl who's shorter than him.

However, this by no means makes your height the most or even one of the most important factors when it comes to dating.

Let's look at this logically: your height is not something that you have any control over. It's determined by your genes and if you end up being below average in height (like myself), then so what?

It's not like you made a mistake and now you're a short dude as punishment. It's just the hand you were dealt and the only thing you can concern yourself with now is how to play your hand.

There are other cards you're holding onto that make up who you are that are in your control and matter way more than your height:

  • Your financial stability.
  • Your career and where you're going.
  • Your health and fitness.
  • Your friends and family.
  • Your hobbies and activities.
  • Your personality.

And you might think "well how the heck is my family in my control?" and you've got to remember that blood family is one thing. There is also the family that you choose.


If you come across a girl who absolutely needs the guy to be taller than her and you're not and thus, she won't date you, your job is simply to move on.

Like I said earlier, if that's going to be her superficial requirement, that's on her. It's her right to look for that.

But here's the thing: the sweet angel you're looking for, the "right person," will probably not give a shit about your height in the grand scheme of things.

Because I'm hoping the type of girl you're looking for is someone who will love all of you and who you are, and your height will be one of the last things on her mind.

You don't need the girl who demands 180 cms of you. You don't need to put her on a pedestal or chase her.

Go for the girls who value the things that matter about you.

This guy said being 2.5 inches taller made him better than everyone, and here's why he's being dumb

You might be wondering what ad I'm referencing in the subtitle of this article.

I might as well do this company a favor and keep their name out.

They put an Instagram ad in front of me in which they have a stranger try on these shoes that make him 2.5 inches (again, 6.35 cm for our metric system friends) taller.

Once he tried them on (and mind you, he already stood 6 feet (180 cm) tall), he said he felt even more confident.

He felt "better than everyone" at that height.

Oh, and get this: regarding the price of the shoes, he said that "it doesn't matter how much they cost – it's worth it."

"It don't [sic] matter if they're $300, $400. It really doesn't matter. 2.5 inches is everything you need. It'll make your life better."

That's what the wise guy said.

News flash: 2.5 inches, or any height increase any shoes can provide, is far from anything remotely impactful when it comes to making your life better.

And on top of saying such a ridiculous thing, this guy also mentions that one absolutely needs this height increase regardless of how much it costs.

As if increasing your height is that necessary.

There is this hypocrisy of this idea, this idea that we need to be taller to be more attractive.

Guys, as in men, tend to complain a lot about how they get so disadvantaged in terms of looks.

They say things like:

  • "Step 1. Be attractive. Step 2. Don't be unattractive."
  • "Him hitting on her worked because he was handsome. If he were ugly, she'd call him a creep."
  • "All you have to do is be tall and girls will like you."

And yet they submit to this idea that they need to be tall at all costs, thus playing into the same mentality that they complain about.

The point is simple:

If you don't want girls to reject you because you're not tall enough, then stop acting like you absolutely need to be tall.

Like I said earlier, I stand at a solid 5 feet 7 inches (170 cm) tall.

Part of me wished that I could be taller when I was younger, but I quickly learned that since there was nothing I could do about my natural height limitations, I might as well accept them and work with what I've got.

I can promise you that not being tall is not the end of your world or your chances of succeeding in the dating world.

And I've got my own proof and experiences right here.

The girl I hate who doesn't hate my height

No, I don't actually hate her.

It's just an inside joke that we share. When we first met, we started off with a playful, banter-filled love-hate relationship.

Since then, we've regularly said that we hate each other, but deep down inside, we're pretty groovy.

She's going to read this article and disagree... 😉

Anyway, during my time in Sydney, Australia, I met this really cute girl who I hit it off with on a group beach day with the hostel we were staying at.

We connected pretty easily and started seeing each other since that day we met.

And guess what?

She's taller than me. She stands at 174 cm.

Did that matter to her?

Clearly not. She never showed that it crossed her mind when we went out.

I even asked her out of curiosity if me being shorter meant a thing to her and it didn't.

Here's a picture of us for funzies. I asked her if it'd be cool to post a picture of us online and she said yes.

Me and Nat.

And there's something else the ad contained that I left out.

Cue this disgusting statement:

Some other random dude entered the scene, noticed the first guy was taller than him after putting the shoes on, and said that if he (the random dude) had a choice between 30 days of pussy everyday and these shoes, he'd pick the shoes.

That kind of language and mentality goes to show what type of guys care about height this much – the losers.

The whiners.

The guys who rely on their height to get laid instead of their personality or values.

Here's what I'll say to close this off.

Unless you're in modeling or something extremely appearance-based, your job applications aren't going to give a damn about how tall you are.

And neither will:

  • People who check your credit scores.
  • The friends and family who matter.
  • Your coworkers.
  • The waiter who brings you your food.
  • The people you encounter in business meetings.
  • Your leasing office staff.

But what those people will care about is how you treat them and how you carry yourself.

And if you're relying solely on your height to get ahead in life, it doesn't matter if you're a head taller than me.

You don't get a pat on the back for something you put in no effort for.

But I will applaud you if, in spite of the difficulties life brings, you turn out to be a fantastic person.

You can't change your height, but you can work on other qualities that make you shine.

Like the qualities that I mentioned in the first section.

Height isn't all that it's cracked up to be.

So when it comes to who you are, make sure it's not where you peak.