The Dummy’s Guide to Honesty – Truth in a World of Lies
In the end, lies don't solve problems – they only create them or make existing ones worse.
Try these lenses on for a change. It could mean a world of difference.
In the end, lies don't solve problems – they only create them or make existing ones worse.
If you're too proud to start from zero, you'll never start anything at all.
It’s not the blatantly rude people you have to watch out for.
Don't mix up the cube if you can't solve it.
Get shut down for any or no reason at all, and all they have to say is: "We warned you!"
You should be able to stare rejection in the face and laugh after reading this.
Stand still, and watch your life flash before your eyes.
Freedom doesn't excuse a lack of discipline.
It's not your fault you're in the cage, but it is your fault if you stay.